Meandering Musings for Monday

Thoughts meander like rivers, their tributaries gathering ideas, insights and inspiration along their fluid course. We can get lost in the undercurrents hidden from the surface, but like rivers, one can only hope that these thoughts carry us to that ancient and enchanted destination – the ocean of wild stories and intricate waves of musings – the place where deeper understandings and great tales of healing magic are born.

In the midst of this weekend’s peacefulness, family time and Nature outings, the thoughts that have been meandering through my mind are ones of sadness for the 150 lives lost in the terror attack at Garissa University in Kenya. The senselessness of terror and destruction in a world gone mad just leaves a big hole in my heart. I will write more on this later in the week, but not today.

So instead (and since I don’t do to this often enough), I’ll share some links that have made for interesting meandering musings over the last couple of week:

Clouds are dreamy shapes-shifters and a soothing point of focus in those moments when I just lie on my back and watch them as I breathe mindfully, but I’d never thought of them as “great behemoth nomads” until I read this fascinating piece on Cloud Nomads by Sylvia over at The Indigo Vat.

Vanessa Carnevale is hosting a #Mindful Prompt Writing Challenge on Instagram. I always find her prompts to be fun and a great source of writing inspiration. So if you are looking for some sparks of writing inspiration, its worth following your lovely prompts.

Mary Reynolds Thompson, author of Reclaiming the Wild Soul, runs a great interview series called Wild Soul Stories. I really enjoyed listening to her interview with Sharon Blackie.

I loved reading Sophia Rose’s latest post, The Taste of Spring: Wild Onions. She’s included a couple of recipes too.

I’m featuring Stacey LL Couch on my blog later this week. Stacey’s interesting blogpost, Angel of Fiery Red Trees, gives some insight into her work.

Lastly, this short essay by Jeri Studebaker offers an interesting perspective on the suppressed history of Mother Goose ties in a Goddess link.

Wishing you all a happy Monday and a week full of blessings!

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